Web Site Creation & SEO

Web Site Planning, Design, Development and Copywriting

Does your Website stand out in the Internet ocean? We will help you focus on the type of Website that meets your needs, fits your budget and which will make your clients say “Wow!”

A Website should be the centerpiece of your marketing communications strategy and a springboard for a social media presence. Davidson Communications has partnered with Pixellente Design! to provide comprehensive Web services to health, infertility, nonprofit and small business providers. Davidson Communications oversees the Website planning process; coordinates the design and programming with Pixellente!; conducts copywriting, editing and SEO services; and provides overall project management. Pixellente! provides design, programming and content management services.

Search Engine Optimization
You’ve invested in the Web­site, so where are the customers?
The best designed Web­site in the world won’t amount to a hill of beans if cus­tomers can’t find it. That’s why your Web­site needs to be opti­mized so search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo rank your site in searches for key­words your cus­tomers use to find the prod­ucts and ser­vices you offer.

Must-do SEO
• Meta­Data: This includes refin­ing title tags and key­words and adding meta descrip­tions, rel­e­vant key­words to text on each page, h1 and h2 head­ers (where appro­pri­ate), alt text to images, and inter­nal links.
• Cre­at­ing addi­tional Web pages
• Site map XHTML page and Google reg­is­tra­tion
• Account management

Should Do SEO
• Link­ing: Estab­lish­ing inbound links with rel­e­vant com­pa­nies and orga­ni­za­tions link­ing to Web site; com­ment­ing and leav­ing web site address on blogs; and other method­olo­gies.
• Press releases: Dis­trib­ut­ing press releases on Web wire ser­vices, which pro­vide link­age. Also obtain­ing actual press cov­er­age on media web sites, which search engines find to be “very impor­tant” links because of their high traf­fic.
• Social media: Engag­ing in blogs and other social media like Face­book, Twit­ter and LinkedIn.

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