
Terri has done a great job for RESOLVE: The National Infer­til­ity Asso­ci­a­tion and we will con­tinue to use her. Terri has unique expe­ri­ence that was per­fect for RESOLVE — she knows the infer­til­ity mar­ket­place and can under­stand the providers and patients, and, she has a long back­ground in mar­ket­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions. RESOLVE con­tracted with Terri to bring these unique skills to RESOLVE to mar­ket and pro­mote RESOLVE edu­ca­tional events to both providers and patients.
Bar­bara Col­lura, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, RESOLVE: The National Infer­til­ity Association

I had the plea­sure of work­ing with Terri for approx­i­mately 4 years in a fast grow­ing physi­cian prac­tice that spe­cial­ized in a very com­pet­i­tive envi­ron­ment. I found Terri to be very thor­ough in devel­op­ing her analy­ses. She has a strong cre­ative style in her approach to mar­ket­ing a prod­uct or ser­vice with proven abil­i­ties to mar­ket her plan to a broad audi­ence. I’ve rec­om­mended Terri to oth­ers with total con­fi­dence that she would pro­vide a valu­able ser­vice on time and on budget.
Ronald Jones, For­mer COO, Boston IVF

Terri has an insider’s knowl­edge about the infer­til­ity field because of her vast expe­ri­ence and unique insight from hav­ing worked at sev­eral fer­til­ity clin­ics, as well as through her involve­ment with patient-focused orga­ni­za­tions. Yet she also has the over­all pol­ished mar­ket­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions skill set that I would seek for any other type of mar­ket­ing or pub­lic rela­tions project. She has been able to find me the right vehi­cles to pro­mote my books and con­sult­ing ser­vices.
Kris­ten Magnacca

I met Terri soon after join­ing the online fer­til­ity com­mu­nity as the CEO/Founder of Fer­til­ity Planit. We met via Twit­ter because I was impressed with the qual­ity of infor­ma­tion and con­tent she shares and I reached out to her. We struck up a dia­logue and she sug­gested we chat via Skype. So we set up an appoint­ment and talked for almost an hour, and she asked if she could men­tion me and Fer­til­ity Planit at a pre­sen­ta­tion she was giv­ing at the 2010 AARM con­fer­ence. She was curi­ous about me, my fer­til­ity jour­ney, my new web­site busi­ness, and wanted to know as much as pos­si­ble. She was extremely gra­cious and polite, but at the same time she asked me thought pro­vok­ing ques­tions which chal­lenged me to define what is unique and promis­ing about Fer­til­ity Planit. Even though I am not her client, she has been hugely sup­port­ive of me and our web­site, putting me in touch with good peo­ple and rec­om­mend­ing us to oth­ers. I see Terri as some­one who has her ear to the ground, is supremely well con­nected across the health and fer­tillity sec­tors world­wide, and is tire­less in giv­ing the best pos­si­ble PR and mar­ket­ing ser­vice to her clients. I’ve also been impressed by her writ­ten com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills. Recently I asked for her edi­to­r­ial input on a post I was writ­ing for a web­site, and she came back to me with excel­lent feed­back. I made the changes she sug­gested and my post was stronger than ever. Terri is a very smart, strate­gic thinker and plan­ner, she’s gra­cious and polite, and is a highly skilled com­mu­ni­ca­tor. She is also very well versed in social media mar­ket­ing, and active across all rel­e­vant web com­mu­ni­ties. I think any indi­vid­ual or busi­ness in the health and well­ness sec­tor would be lucky to work with Terri and will undoubt­edly reap huge ben­e­fits from being rep­re­sented by her.
Karin Thayer, CEO, Fer­til­ity Planit

It has been my plea­sure to have worked along­side Terri David­son in our respec­tive roles on RESOLVE of New England’s Board of Direc­tors. Her con­tri­bu­tions in the area of brand aware­ness and mar­ket­ing not only ener­gized many of our board mem­bers but directly resulted in greater com­mu­nity aware­ness of RNE’s goals and suc­cesses. Terri has been, for years, RNE’s go-to source for media man­age­ment. Terri’s work on behalf of the national offices of RESOLVE, with respect to their embryo dona­tion edu­ca­tion cam­paign was also tremen­dously effec­tive, in fact, it was because of Terri’s work with RESOLVE: National that I became aware of and then quite inter­ested in learn­ing more about embryo dona­tion. Terri is a leader in the face­book, twit­ter and linked-in com­mu­ni­ties with respect to infer­til­ity dis­cus­sion and debate, her pres­ence in these com­mu­ni­ties is highly val­ued and her strate­gies for social media opti­miza­tion have inspired many of our col­leagues. Recently, I had the plea­sure of lis­ten­ing to Terri speak about effec­tive social media prac­tices at the Women’s Coun­cil break­fast at ASRM, her pre­sen­ta­tion was well received and exactly on-point for this group as they are gear­ing up for growth and expan­sion. Lastly, Terri has pulled another tal­ent out of her hat related to her radio pro­gram­ming pro­duc­tion skills pro­vid­ing for a client weekly guest and topic rec­om­men­da­tions that has caught the atten­tion of a broad range of col­leagues, the pro­gram Terri pro­duces gen­er­ates much inter­est and dis­cus­sion. Any­one con­sid­er­ing work­ing with Terri on mar­ket­ing related efforts will find a sea­soned and well-regarded professional.…as well as an extremely lovely per­son.
Amy Demma, Esq., Law Offices of Amy Demma

Terri has done an excel­lent job pro­mot­ing Embryo Dona­tion Inter­na­tional. Her con­nec­tions amongst the infer­til­ity world have been invalu­able. Her edi­to­r­ial skills are also excel­lent. Over­all, I’ve been very pleased with her work and look for­ward to work­ing with her in the future.
Craig R. Sweet, M.D., Med­ical Direc­tor of Embryo Dona­tion International

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