Social Media Services

Learn how to use social media out­lets like Face­book, Twit­ter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and blogs to reach patients and pro­fes­sion­als alike. We will develop and imple­ment strate­gies and tac­tics so you’ll be on top of and cre­at­ing the buzz in the infer­til­ity world.

Suc­ceed in Infer­til­ity Social Media With­out Really Try­ing (LOL)!
David­son Com­mu­ni­ca­tions can help your orga­ni­za­tion gain a foothold in the infer­til­ity social media world. With our con­nec­tions and deep, inti­mate knowl­edge of this ver­ti­cal mar­ket­place, we pro­vide strate­gies and tac­tics for con­nect­ing with cur­rent and poten­tial patients, as well as with refer­ral sources.

• Blog, Face­book Fan Page and Twit­ter Design: We can either design your blog, Face­book Fan Page, and/or Twit­ter home page or work with the designer of your choice to pro­duce a vehi­cle reflect­ing your brand, as well as pro­vid­ing opti­mal search engine opti­miza­tion.
• Social Media Strat­egy: This will include a blog­ging sched­ule with top­ics and authors reflect­ing the most cur­rent and rel­e­vant clin­i­cal top­ics, the emo­tional needs of infer­til­ity patients, and “cur­rent events” in the infer­til­ity world, as well as tac­tics for engag­ing patients, pro­fes­sion­als and the rest of your com­mu­nity via social media.
• Mak­ing Infer­til­ity Social Media Con­nec­tions: Con­nect­ing your orga­ni­za­tion to guest blog­gers (to write for your blog), guest blog­ging oppor­tu­ni­ties (for your staff to write for other blogs), give­aways, and other poten­tial col­lab­o­ra­tions in the infer­til­ity social media mar­ket­place.
• Writ­ing & Edit­ing Blogs: Either writ­ing orig­i­nal copy and/or edit­ing posts writ­ten by staff mem­bers.
• Post­ing on Face­book, Twit­ter, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn: Devel­op­ing a sched­ule of reg­u­larly posted Face­book and Twit­ter news, ques­tions, sur­veys and engage­ment activities.

Why Choose the Fer­til­ity Mar­ket­ing Maven?
It’s my busi­ness to know who is doing what in the infer­til­ity social media world, as well as who is doing it well. I fol­low blogs, Face­book posts and Tweets focus­ing on infer­til­ity. I imme­di­ately can jump in to pro­duce results.

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