Marketing Audit

These are several fac­tors to review to deter­mine how your clinic or com­pany is con­duct mar­ket­ing activ­i­ties. They are intended to give clients a snap­shot or overview of their entire mar­ket­ing operation.

• Num­ber of and per­cent­age increase/decrease in new clients/patients and services/cycles over a three-year period
• Esti­mated mar­ket share
• Patient/client demo­graph­ics: res­i­dence, median age, insur­ance ver­sus self-pay, length of time try­ing to con­ceive, eth­nic­ity, other data that paints a patient/client profile

• Main com­peti­tors and any knowl­edge of their mar­ket­ing strate­gies, brand­ing, posi­tion­ing
• Mar­ket share of your com­peti­tors
• Com­pet­i­tive challenges

Refer­ral Sources
Per­cent­ages from each cat­e­gory:
Physi­cian refer­rals, refer­rals from patients, Web­site, con­sumer adver­tis­ing, sem­i­nars, insur­ance com­pa­nies, non-profits (RESOLVE, the AFA), media rela­tions, search engine mar­ket­ing, social media

Posi­tion­ing and Brand­ing
• Your clinic’s posi­tion in the marketplace/positioning mes­sage
• Tag line:  one sen­tence sum­ma­tion of a posi­tion­ing mes­sage or state­ment
• Branding/Logo:  Do you have a con­sis­tent look through­out your print and online mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als? Are you sat­is­fied with it?

Type and Out­comes of Con­sumer Adver­tis­ing Your Clinic Con­ducts
• Ban­ner ads on local/general Inter­net sites
• Ban­ner ads on infer­til­ity Web­sites (Fer­til­ity Author­ity, Inter­net Health Resources, etc.)
• Radio and tele­vi­sion ads
• Print: news­pa­per, mag­a­zine, out­door
• Sem­i­nars and Webi­nars
• Google AdWords
• Spon­sor­ships with the non-profits like RESOLVE, the AFA, PVED and others

Physi­cian Refer­ral Rela­tion­ships
• Approx­i­mate num­ber of physi­cians who refer to your orga­ni­za­tion and the per­cent­age they rep­re­sent of the local OB/GYN’s
• Any analy­sis done on physi­cian refer­ral pat­terns
• Affil­i­ated hos­pi­tals
• Types of physi­cian out­reach: sales vis­its, grand rounds, direct mail (let­ters, newslet­ters, announce­ments), email blasts, luncheon/dinner meet­ings
• Com­mu­ni­ca­tion vehi­cles with physi­cian offices about the progress of patients they have referred to your practice

Rela­tion­ships with Suc­cess­ful Patients (alumni)
• Mail­ing list of all suc­cess­ful patients who con­ceived through any type of treat­ment or adop­tion
• Baby reunion or other type of event for suc­cess­ful alumni
• List of suc­cess­ful alumni who will speak to the media and/or current/potential patients
• Alumni involved in focus groups, “buddy” sup­port pro­grams, or other ways

Cus­tomer Service/Patient Sat­is­fac­tion Ini­tia­tives
• Type and fre­quency of patient sat­is­fac­tion sur­veys
• Other vehi­cles for patient input – focus groups, sug­ges­tion boxes, patient advo­cate, for­mal sys­tem for com­plaints
• Sup­port groups, mind/body pro­grams, and other emo­tional out­lets
• Other value-added patient ser­vices like mas­sage, coach­ing, etc.

 Patient Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Mate­ri­als
•Brochures and/or lit­er­a­ture packet sent before ini­tial con­sul­ta­tion
•Spe­cialty brochures – on spe­cific treat­ments, financ­ing, egg dona­tion, sup­port ser­vices, etc.
•Patient edu­ca­tion mate­ri­als to learn about diag­no­sis, treat­ment, and self-care
•Patient newslet­ters, email blasts, CD’s, pod­casts, videos, etc.
•Print and Web adver­tise­ments, radio/television ads, etc.

Refer­ral Source Lit­er­a­ture
• Brochures or newslet­ters specif­i­cally for physicians

Website/Social Media
• Sta­tis­tics on web site vis­its, refer­ral sources, most pop­u­lar pages, time on site, hits, etc., over a 12-month period
• Sta­tus of search engine place­ment
• Sta­tus of: Face­book fan page, Twit­ter account, blog
• Con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem for Website

Mar­ket­ing and Strate­gic Plans
• Copies of either
• Review progress for both

 Media Rela­tions
• Num­ber of press releases sent per year and for type of issues, top­ics, ‚etc.
• Use of Inter­net press release dis­tri­b­u­tion ser­vice
• Does media con­tact you, view your doc­tors and staff as infer­til­ity resources?
• Record of past media coverage

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