Kristen Magnacca

Trans­form­ing an Author into an Award-winning Author

Find­ing the Right Vehi­cles to Take Kris­ten Magnacca to the Top of Her Game
Kris­ten Magnacca had writ­ten two books by the time Terri David­son start­ing work­ing with her. But Ms. David­son took Kristen’s game to the next level and helped her become an an award-winning infer­til­ity author with Ms. Magnacca’s receipt of the inau­gural Hope Award for Best Book, Cop­ing, from RESOLVE: The National Infer­til­ity Association.

Terri first assisted Ms. Magnacca to for­mu­late a mar­ket­ing plan and strat­egy focus­ing on help­ing infer­til­ity clin­ics strengthen patient/client rela­tion­ships. Addi­tion­ally, Ms. David­son was able to secure a cov­eted speak­ing engage­ment for Kris­ten Magnacca at the 2009 Annual Meet­ing of the Amer­i­can Soci­ety for Repro­duc­tive Med­i­cine, where she spoke to a crowd of over 200 atten­dees. Since then, David­son has been able to book sev­eral addi­tional national and inter­na­tional pre­sen­ta­tions for Magnacca from those who were wowed by her ASRM talk.


  • Media rela­tions: Arti­cles in the Sand­wich Broad­caster; Spring­field Repub­li­can, Cape Cod Women Online, The Chicopee Reg­is­ter,, and blog rela­tion­ships with Fer­til­ity Author­ity, Fer­til­ity Ties, The Amer­i­can Fer­til­ity Asso­ci­a­tion, Bub­tree Fer­til­ity Clinic
  • Radio inter­views: Con­ceive OnAir; Dawn Dav­en­port “Cre­at­ing a Fam­ily Pro­gram;” Jor­dan Rich of WBZ-Radio
  • Pub­lic Rela­tions: Media out­reach dur­ing National Infer­til­ity Aware­ness Week and Valentine’s Day
  • Cre­ated and main­tained Face­book fan page
  • New logo and Website

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