
Mar­ket­ing Plan Devel­op­ment
Need a big-picture thinker who will guide you in real­iz­ing your vision and devel­op­ing a plan that will build brand aware­ness and help you find patients and strate­gic part­ners? A mar­ket­ing plan is the road map to suc­cess. It should be the first step of your mar­ket­ing program.

Web Cre­ation and SEO
Does your Web­site stand out in the Inter­net ocean? We will help you focus on the type of Web­site that will meet your needs and bud­get and make clients say “Wow”! We offer devel­op­ment, project man­age­ment, design and search engine opti­miza­tion services.

Social Media
Learn how to use social media out­lets like Face­book, Twit­ter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and blogs to reach patients and pro­fes­sion­als alike. We will develop and imple­ment strate­gies and tac­tics so you’ll be on top of and cre­at­ing the buzz in the infer­til­ity world.

Search Engine Adver­tis­ing
Hire us to help you design and mon­i­tor your pay-per-click cam­paigns on Google, Yahoo, Bing, Face­book and other search engines. Gain the most for your money with these tar­geted adver­tis­ing vehicles.

Writ­ing and Design
We offer writ­ing and graphic design ser­vices for brochures, email and print newslet­ters, Web­sites, advertisements, press kits and other col­lat­eral mate­r­ial. Good writ­ing and design never go out of style.

Media Rela­tions
We’ll write and dis­trib­ute press releases, media advi­sories and press kits to both main­stream and infer­til­ity press, as well as Web site and social media sources. We’ll also follow-up and pitch your story. We have iden­ti­fied rel­e­vant media sources that have cov­ered infer­til­ity and related topics.

Out­bound Adver­tis­ing
Print, radio, out­door, Web and tele­vi­sion adver­tis­ing reach­ing both the gen­eral pub­lic and tar­geted audi­ences. Ser­vices include con­cep­tu­al­iza­tion, design, copy­writ­ing, media buy­ing and placement.

Book Pro­mo­tion
Whether you are an expe­ri­enced or a bur­geon­ing author, we can help you estab­lish a pres­ence with the pub­lic, the media and buy­ing cus­tomers. Full media rela­tions and other types of cus­tom pro­mo­tion pack­ages are available.

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